
Join the AALD Network!

Access a network of like minded professionals dedicated to the unique geography of Atlantic Canada. Our networking events help build relationships with fellow professionals, customers and suppliers.

We always welcome new members to our association.

If you would like to join AALD, please complete the registration form:

General Member: an individual employed in landscape design, construction, maintenance or management; a landscape architect or those involved in related horticultural fields. Annual Fee $60.00 Corporate Member: an industry/ company providing landscape or horticultural goods and services. Annual fee $200.00 Student Member: individual pursuing studies in a horticultural field. Annual Fee: $0.00 Affiliate Member: a provincial, national, or educational organization/ association: Such as municipal or educational institute or horticultural society. No Fee.
For the purpose of the AALD Online Directory, indicate your area(s) of primary focus/expertise.
Please list any educational courses or programs relative to the horticultural industry that you have taken.
Describe any areas of landscape/ horticultural specialization and recent work related experiences.
Please take the opportunity to read and review the AALD Constitution and Code of Ethics.